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Fresh Thyme Leaves And Thyme Supplement

Thyme is derived from a Greek word that actually means ‘to fumigate.’ It is believed that the Greeks made incense from thyme, which was the symbol of elegance and grace. There is also another notion about the name, which says that thyme is derived from the Greek word, thumus, which means courage.

Botanitally known as T.vulgaris, thyme, which is a perennial herb, is grown in regions with temperate climates. It is extensively cultivated in the countries in the Mediterranean Sea, Europe, Spain, Algeria, and Asia Minor.

Health Benefits of Thyme: Thyme is said to have several health benefits, and has been used in medicines for a very long time. Here are some of the health benefits of the handy herb.

Thyme Herb And Thyme Healing

  • Considered a natural medicine, thyme is used to cure respiratory as well as chest problems like congestion, bronchitis and cough. Research has shown that thyme has essential oils that have medicinal properties.
    These oils in thyme include thymol, geraniol, borneol, and carvacolo.
  • The disinfectant and antiseptic properties in thymol can prevent putrefaction.
  • Thymol, research has shown, can cure and treat abscesses, ulcers and wounds. In fact, several people disinfect sick rooms with thymol.
  • For ages, people have been using herbs and spices to preserve food and prevent contamination. Research and recent studies have shown that thyme contains Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphalococcus aureus, which have antimicrobial properties.
  • Respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis can be cured with a home remedy made with thyme. It is believed that finely chopped thyme, mixed with a spoon of honey can soothe air passages and lungs. Even tea brewed with thyme, honey and water, and maybe a squeeze of lemon, can act like a healing potion. This tea can flush out parasites from the body. So, do think of a cup of thyme tea for a healthier life.
  • The thyme tea can ease menstrual cramps and even symptoms of PMS.
  • Thyme can even help in better digestion and can dissolve as well as remove the mucus in the intestines.
  • Some believe that thyme can stop children from having nightmares.
  • The savory flavor of thyme makes it a great herb that can be mixed with honey and lime for a warm and soothing drink for children.
  • Thyme solutions can be used to disinfect hard surfaces like chopping boards.
  • Thyme is rich in flavonoids like naringenin, apigenin, luteolin and thymonin. It is also a good source of fiber, calcium, manganese and iron.

Submitted on January 16, 2014